We start our day not with coffee, absolutely with a glass of newly brewed tea which has a tempting and stimulating fragrance. The Black Sea coast of Turkey has many tea plantations. The big kettle must be made of metal and the . Clean water (tap water is not enough for excellent tea) 2. Two piece teapot (Çaydanlık) . Tea served in tiny glass cups,.

Black tea is the most popular drink in Turkey, even more . Add 100ml hot water and stir till . Imported coffee became very expensive, so people switched to tea. There are some variations . Read on for some delicious recipes to incorporate into your own . Read why turkish tea is so popular and one of the most recognizable tourist attractions in . Turkey is special and unique also for its turkish tea. One of these items is dispatched. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is continuing to support the agribusiness sector in Turkey with a €million . It is said that tea arrived from China in what is now present day Turkey via the Silk Road. See what people are saying and join the conversation.
Read about the amazingof two destinations and what their renowned for, Tea. These delicious cheesy pogacas (poh-ah-cha) are a favorite . When in Istanbul, have it at small local tea houses in Sultanahmet. Turks drink çay ( tea ) every day, all day.